Monday, November 2, 2009

Is our love, self love?

i am throwing a simple query!! is it true that love (with anyone if happens , even our parents) is the result of our self love?

i give example, if i say "i love you" to my GF with da depth of my heart! i say it bc i feel good that she will feel good or is it simply that i want her to feel good only? Think about it..

1 comment:

batool said...

I think expressing our love to somebody we truly love (even our parents/family), does not have anything to do with how they would feel about comes directly from the heart and does not involve any processing through would say it or express his/her love because of the overflow of emotions..we say it because we want to say it and let them know how much they mean to us.. and i dont think true love is self shouldnt be..